'Concorde of the rail' is revealed by British designer

A LEADING British transport designer has unveiled his idea of Britain's next-generation high speed train. The sleek double decker has an 'extreme nose section', and offers many different features on board, including private 'pods' for special purposes.

Paul Priestman was responsible for the design of the Pendolino, and he has given a glimpse into train travel of the future, saying it's a pre-emptive move on his part to persuade the Government of the urgent need to move forward as soon as possible with HS2.

He said he believes that HS2 will give the opportunity to design a new Great British transport design icon to follow in the footsteps of Concorde, the Spitfire and the Routemaster bus. He described it as a project which is "vital for the future of Britain, as a way of championing British design and engineering in a fiercely competitive global economy".

The train has private, self-contained pods for business meetings or family groups, built-in entertainment systems, play areas for children and a luxury first class section with open plan lounge and bar, which is intended to compete head-on with the most luxurious airline classes of travel.

Priestman is currently working with the Chinese manufacturer Sifang to design China’s new high speed trains. He also believes that an iconic British train design will be "one of the most successful weapons in the battle to persuade people to leave their cars at home, avoid domestic air travel and make rail their first choice. Train travel needs to be as exciting as flying and as sexy as the latest car".

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