Birmingham residents 'positive' about HS2 plan

THE NEW High Speed station in central Birmingham will act as a catalyst for regeneration, a public meeting has been told. The meeting had been called by some concerned residents in Digbeth, who feared that the new terminal will isolate their area, and separate it from central Birmingham.

One of their concerns is that no exit is planned on the Digbeth side of the station.

But residents were reported to be feeling 'positive' after discussions at the meeting where a statement was heard from HS2 Ltd, the company which is developing the plans for the Government.

The meeting had been called by Digbeth Residents Association, which says it is not against HS2 in principle, but wants its concerns heard and dealt with.

In its statement, HS2 Ltd said that it outlined proposals for residents, highlighting the opportunities for the regeneration of the area
and was advising them on how to get involved.

Birmingham City Council's strategic director of planning and regeneration Mark Barrow attended the meeting. He said: "I think HS2 is a huge opportunity for the city. We are working really hard to make the best of it for people who are directly affected."

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